We are nature. Too often, we lose sight of that.

Nature to Soul has a vision to help to reconnect people back to their true nature. We live in such a disconnected society. Through Nature to Soul's services, I hope to empower you to take control of your health and wellbeing - and reconnect with nature.

  • Yoga

    My classes are designed to help you to reconnect to yourself and nature

  • Breathwork & Meditation

    Breathwork and meditation are powerful tools of transformation.

  • Reiki

    Utilising life force energy, Reiki can help with chakra stagnation or imbalances.

  • Crystal Healing

    The energy healing power of crystals and sound healing from crystal quartz singing bowls can help with chakras, to better sleep, to ailments.

  • Hikes & Events

    Reconnect to community through yoga hikes and workshops.

  • Photography

    Documenting nature through my eyes is something I love and it helps me connect to mother earth at a deeper level.

My Story


The path to become an advocate for my own health


Learn more about me and my journey to reconnect to myself, my dharma and nature. Listen and subscribe to my podcast here:

Not sure what service is right for you?


Let’s explore that together!


Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Reach out for a free consultation and I can help to direct you to which offering is right for you or tailor one to suit your needs.